Heavy Timber Glulam Truss Assembly

QB Corporation is a leader in the industry with over 40 years of experience producing glued laminated timber (glulam). Our state-of-the-art manufacturing process ensures that our glulam heavy timber trusses are produced, fabricated, and assembled with precision in our facility.

Finished Beams

Your One-Stop Solution for Superior Glulam Timber Trusses

Our all-in-one glulam manufacturing capabilities make us the go-to solution for any project. Using QB Corporation glulam for your trusses, you choose a product that outperforms steel and solid sawn. Glulam gives you strength and stability over solid sawn while being a more environmentally friendly, sustainable product when compared to both steel and solid timber.

At QB Corporation, our service begins with understanding your truss specifications. Once the details are finalized, we start the production of the truss components with our signature high-quality custom glulam beams.

Each piece is then sent to our fabrication area, where it is machined using a combination of advanced CNC technology and a team with decades of experience. Finally, our one-stop glulam shop extends to the assembly of the glulam trusses, providing you with fully assembled trusses for easier and faster on-site installation, saving you both time and money. QB Corporation has the expertise and partnership to procure the steel connections if you require these services.

The Superior Choice for Manufacturing Trusses

Glued laminated timber is a highly innovative construction material engineered to meet specific load requirements. It is a stress-rated engineered beam of wood laminations bonded with durable, moisture-resistant adhesives. The grain of the laminations runs parallel with the length of the member. Glulam is versatile, ranging from straight beams to complex, curved members. It is more vital than steel and has greater strength and stiffness than comparably sized dimensional lumber. Increased design values, improved product performance, and cost competitiveness make Glulam the superior choice for manufacturing trusses.

QB Corporation uses dry lumber that is checked for suitable moisture content and graded board by board. Then, boards are finger-joining the lumber to form longer laminations that will be bonded together. This process is carried out under controlled conditions that minimize warping, twisting, checking, and defects seen in solid sawn. This makes Glulam a high-quality, universally usable product in timber construction.

When it comes to strength and flexibility, Glulam outperforms steel in many ways. Glulam offers superior load-bearing capacity with a strength-to-weight ratio that is three times greater than steel. This means that pound for pound, Glulam is indeed stronger than steel.

Glulam truss

Glulam Trusses are the Preferred Choice over the Alternatives

When it comes to strength and flexibility, Glulam outperforms steel in many ways. Glulam offers superior load-bearing capacity with a strength-to-weight ratio that is three times greater than steel. This means that pound for pound, Glulam is indeed stronger than steel.



Glulam is lighter than steel for the same load-bearing capacity thanks to its high strength-to-weight ratio. This makes Glulam trusses easier to maneuver and install, saving time and effort.



Whether you’re working on a long-span project or a curved design, Glulam is the perfect choice. Its flexibility allows for creative designs without compromising on aesthetics.



Glulam is more durable in environments with high moisture or chemical levels and requires less maintenance than steel. This makes Glulam trusses a practical choice for a wide range of projects.


Lower Carbon Footprint

Glulam has a lower carbon footprint than steel and concrete. This is because the production of Glulam requires less energy and results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions.


Sustainable Material

Wood is a renewable resource, and the timber used in Glulam can be sourced from sustainably managed forests while using the wood more efficiently than solid sawn.


Life Cycle Analysis

When considering the entire life cycle of the building product, wood was found to be better than steel or concrete in terms of embodied energy, global warming potential, air emissions, water emissions, and solid waste production.

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